And the winner is…….Immigration! I had several requests for my first real blog to be about immigration. I am certain it is in reference to this hubbub about HB 116, passed in Utah in Feb. This bill would create a working privilege or “guest worker” card for undocumented people in Utah. I had nearly as many requests for an open records law post. There was also “gay” marriage, Medicare, E-Congress, and a smattering of other requests from Facebook, emails etc. I was giddy with excitement, keyword, “was”……then of course, reality set in…Immigration is a huge topic and there is so much information to cover. As a fake journalist, I thought I should take some time to get at least some of my facts right before I committed to the written word and had them used against me for all of eternity, etc, etc, etc. Some of my readers are of the, “if you don’t round ‘em up and throw ‘em all out,” its’ amnesty. Naturally, they fail to see that the current failure of our federal government is also a form of amnesty, by their very broad definitions, and so far they seem good with that failed approach, since no state has the right to deport anyone. The other extreme is “throwing anyone out of the greatest country in the world, is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment.” There are a few, and I mean few, that are somewhere in the middle. As a result, I will do immigration in the coming days. I will have to start with Open Government, specifically the, anti open government, of Utah’s HB 477, which had the “this is a terribly stupid move right now” look on it from the second someone was crazy enough to suggest it in the waning days of the last legislative session. I have enough information on that already and will be pontificating on open government in my first real post on 4/6/11. I hope you all enjoy and by all means let’s have a lively discussion on all of our wrong opinions……Night All!
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